Universitatea Cluj vs Voluntari - Foot en direct
Match home/away index: -0. 421 Match index: -2. 505 Over 2. 5 match index: Universitatea ClujHome matches index1. 370Actual form index-1. 037Home matches Over 2. 5 index-FC VoluntariAway matches index1. 791Actual form index1. 468Away matches Over 2. 5 index- Form team: L L D Last 6 matches stats 6 Matches 3 Goals 0. 50 per game 0 Wins Draws Losses 2/6 Over 2. 5 4/6 Over 1. 5 CS 3/6 BTTS Overall matches stats 25 20 0.
Bilete la FC Universitatea Cluj - FC Voluntari”U” Cluj vs FC Voluntari, meciul care va deschide prima etapă din noul an! Partida din runda cu numărul 22 va avea loc pe 20 ianuarie, de la ora 17:00. Ia-ți bilet la meci și susține echipa de pe stadion! #ToțiPentruU #UvsFCVoluntari #SuperligaVa aducem la cunostinta ca pe langa preturile biletelor sau abonamentelor afisate, pot exista si costuri aditionale ce trebuie suportate de dvs., respectiv: cost de livrare (in cazul in care veti solicita livrarea prin curier a biletului/abonamentului); cost Asigurare En Garde (in cazul in care veti opta pentru incheierea unei asigurari de bilete) si cost procesare Bilete. ro. Prin cumpararea unui bilet sau abonament de pe site-ul nostru Bilete. ro, cumparatorul se obliga sa respecte Regulile de participare si acces la eveniment, precum si Temenii si Conditiile site-ului Bilete.
Universitatea Cluj - Voluntari (live score en direct)
FC Universitatea Cluj vs FC Voluntari rezultate live, H2H și
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LIVE : FC Voluntari vs U. Cluj DIFUZARE ÎN DIRECT Liga 1
5: 65%Over 2. 5: 34%Asian Handicap -0. 5: 43%AH -0. 5: 43%Asian Handicap +0. 5: 56%AH +0. 5: 56% Check our tipster competition Every month all users start free bets with same stack 200 FC (FcTables Coins) Add bets like in real bookmakers and compete with other users You play only for fun without deposits, awards. Everyday we will send our predictions for your email For all matches our algorithm calculate actual form index for both teams(last 6 matches).
5You can check streaks only for team: Universitatea Cluj statsYou can check streaks only for team: FC Voluntari statsSee more streaks stats for today matches: click here Direct matches stats Universitatea Cluj FC VoluntariAll direct matchesUNI home FC awayUNI away FC home Matches: 1 Uni Wins: 0 (0. 00%) FC Wins: 0 (0. 00%) Draws: 1 (100. 00%) Over 1. 5: 0 (0.
live U Cluj - FC Voluntari, în runda #22 din Superliga - GSP
80 goals per match. In 7 (53. 85%) matches played at home was total goals (team and opponent) Over 1. 5 goals. In 3 (23. 08%) matches in season 2023 played at home was total goals (team and opponent) Over 2. 5 goals. FC Voluntari average scored 0. 83 goals per match in season 2023. In 8 (61. 54%) matches played away was total goals (team and opponent) Over 1.
Match: UNIVERSITATEA CLUJ vs VOLUNTARIEn Liga I, Universitatea Cluj affronte Voluntari. Sur quelle chaîne, à quelle heure, dans quel stade la rencontre se jouera-t-elle? Les statistiques détaillées, les compositions probables, les joueurs blessés et les joueurs suspendus, les pronostics et les cotes, l’arbitre… Vous pouvez rapidement obtenir toutes les informations sur cette rencontre tels que les buteurs, les passeurs, les cartons rouges et jaunes, les changements des joueurs… Résultat du match Universitatea Cluj - Voluntari compositions, buteurs, statistiques... Retrouvez tous les matchs en direct et le calendrier complet de la saison 2023/2024 de Liga I. Livescore N°1 en France, notre site délivre les scores en live des principaux matchs de football dans le monde.
5 goals. In 4 (30. 77%) matches played away team was total goals (team and opponent) Over 2. 5 goals. Below you will find a lot of statistics that make it easier Predict the result for a match between both teams. Below the text is a list of the direct games. Streaks found for direct matchesSTREAKS FOUND FOR DIRECT MATCHES!! » Draw all recent 2 matches in a row. » In the last 2 matches in a row both teams no to scored in match no BBTS» In the last 2 matches sum of goals was Under 2. 5» In the last 2 matches sum of goals was Under 1.
80 5 9 11 28. 0% 60. 0% 28. 00% 48. 00% Change team stats: All Home Away Form team: D W 1. 00 1 2 5/6 1/6 24 0. 83 7 8 33. 3% 54. 2% 37. 50% 33. 33% Last matches Universitatea ClujLast matches FC VoluntariLatest matches with results Universitatea Cluj vs FC Voluntari Teams Universitatea Cluj FC Voluntari played so far 1 matches. Universitatea Cluj won 0 direct matches. FC Voluntari won 0 matches. 1 matches ended in a draw. On average in direct matches both teams scored a 0. 00 goals per Match. Universitatea Cluj in actual season average scored 0.
Universitatea Cluj - - FC Voluntari in live - January 20, 2023
Universitatea Cluj vs FC Voluntari H2H 20 jan - FcTables
Universitatea Cluj vs FC Voluntari H2H 20 jan 2023 Head to Head stats predictionYou are on page where you can compare teams Universitatea Cluj vs FC Voluntari before start the match. Here you can easy to compare statistics for both teams. If you want to check live score or game statistics click here: Universitatea Cluj vs FC Voluntari result Odds stats Form Goals stats FC Voluntari Romania In Liga I position: 8 (26 points) Change: VS today 14:30 - penalties Universitatea Cluj in Liga I 14 pos (19 points) FC Voluntari in Liga I 8 pos (26 points) Predictions:Under 1. 5: 39%Over 1. 5: 60%Under 2.
U Cluj - FC Voluntari 21 ianuarie 2023: ponturi, pariuri, cote la